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A poem from George Fish

by George Fish

            I have often felt a bitter sorrow
            at the thought of the German people,
            which is so estimable in the individual
            and so wretched in the generality.

Is this not true of humanity as a whole,
and not just of the Germans,
both in the generality and the individuality?
Are we not, as a species,
plagued by halfwits, fools and idiots?
Does not our own stupidity undermine us?
Is it not true that the study of human history
gives the lie to the notion of
Intelligent Life on Earth,
or at least renders it problematic?
Are not these words I write true,
and all too telling?
And when I affirm my humanism
and my love of humanity,
does not this very humanity
which I wish to affirm
compel me to give that caveat
expressed by T.S. Eliot
in “The Love Song
of J. Alfred Prufrock,”
“ ‘That is not it at all,
That is not what I meant, at all.’ ”?

Bio: George Fish is an actively-publishing writer and poet whose work has appeared in several national and regional publications and websites, especially those of leftist and alternative publications. An active Indiana freelance journalist, he has been described as "knowledgeable in an unusual variety of fields." In addition to short stories and poems, George has also published extensively on economics, politics; popular music (especially blues); and humor. He also does Lenny Bruce/George Carlin-inspired stand-up comedy.