Golden Shovel
for Carl Sandburg
Greed resembling the hue of a hog,
bright in rosiness, plump for the butcher.
And his calculated slaughter. For
reams of notes the
slips spinning out of world
travelled boxes made with tool
by a secret maker.
While the stacker
folds slips of
names in wheat
colored ink. The player
emboldened with
the greenest running lies down railroads
of half-truths and
ambiguities. The
words seeping into nation’s
psyche. Weary of the freight
of life. Eager for a new handler,
but stormy
is the path. Husky
are the lies, brawling
in the piss-filled city
streets. Corruption now of
several generations. The
machine grinding on big
gears, constantly oiled with cracked hands and weary shoulders.