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Last(ing) Memories, a poem by Christopher Stolle

Last(ing) Memories
by Christopher Stolle

Today’s kids don’t know the true
wonderment of basements.
At my grandparents’ house,
we’d put a Ping-Pong table
atop the pool table.
I’d grab a Red Delicious
from the mini fridge,
put some Roger Miller
or Royal Guardsmen
on the turntable
(which they also won’t know),
then play epic battles
against my dad,
who played like he was
the number one ranked player
in the world.
And he could have been
if I didn’t learn
all his tricks and mistakes.

About Christopher Stolle: His poetry has appeared most recently or is forthcoming in the Burningword Literary Journal, Tipton Poetry Journal, Flying Island, Branches, Indiana Voice Journal, Snapdragon, Black Elephant, The Gambler, and Sheepshead Review. He works as an acquisitions and development editor for Penguin Random House, and he lives in Richmond, Indiana.