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My Sister's Clothers, a poem by Nancy Pulley

My Sister’s Clothes
by Nancy Pulley

Mementos wait
in the family home
for me to muster up some kind
of ancestral tough love--
throw away the past.

How many keepsakes
do I need to sift through
to find a solid lump of grief?
How many tchotchkes
will fit in an already crowded shadowbox?

I’m trying to find comfort
in postcards sent
to my grandmother,
Mom’s handmade doilies,
in the metal closet where
my sister’s clothes hang empty

waiting to be placed
in that old wooden
storage trunk of my heart.

Nancy Pulley's poems have appeared in Tipton Poetry Journal, the Indiannual, Flying Island, Arts Indiana Literary Supplement, Passages North, Plainsong, the Sycamore Review, and the Humpback Barn Festival collection. In 1992, she won the Indiana Writers Center poetry chapbook contest, resulting in the publication of a chapbook, Tremolo of Light.