Flying Island Short Fiction Contest
Guest Judge: Barbara Shoup
$100 prize for 1st Place
$25 gift card to Half Price Books* for 2nd Place
$15 gift card to Half Price Books for 3rd Place
Submission Fee:
$3 entry via Submittable (helps cover our Submittable costs)
Submissions open on November 1st and will close on January 1st.
Contest Guidelines:
-Word Count: 1,000 word maximum
-Format: Double spaced and 1-inch margins
-Please submit a short cover letter with a brief bio
-Your submission should be anonymous. Do not include your cover letter with your submission. Please remove your name and any other identifying information from your submission.
-Stories must be submitted via Submittable to be eligible.
Submissions not chosen will be eligible for publication in a future edition of the Flying Island Journal.
About the Judge:
Everything You Want, An American Tune, and Looking for Jack Kerouac and the co-author of Novel Ideas: Contemporary Authors Share the Creative
Process and Story Matters. Her short fiction, poetry, essays, and interviews have appeared in numerous small magazines, as well as in The Writer and
The New York Times Travel Section. Her young adult novels, Wish You Were Here and Stranded in Harmony were selected as American Library Association
Best Books for Young Adults. Vermeer’s Daughter was a School Library Journal Best Adult Book for Young Adults. She is the recipient of numerous grants
from the Indiana Arts Commission, two creative renewal grants from the Arts Council of Indianapolis, the 2006 PEN Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Working Writer
Fellowship, and the 2012 Eugene and Marilyn Glick Regional Indiana Author Award.
About the Contest:
We want to thank an anonymous, long-standing member of the Indiana Writers Center who has funded the competition. We would also like to thank the Avon
Half Price Books location for donating a $25 gift card for the second place prize.
Submit to the contest here starting on November 1st!