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III Poems from a Stormy Evening, a poem by Jonathan S Baker

III Poems from a Stormy Evening

after the storm’s peak                          tossing earth and walls

passed leaving a snail’s trail                gleaming furrow carved 

white and shades of gray                    their empty heads rang

screaming and moaning               crying over missing persons

behind the dark horizon               where strangers live and die

there was only quiet                          in rooms beneath stones

except for our breathing           sharing damp air over raw lips

bodies shining damp              falling limp slack deeply relaxed 

she held me in her arms                 a victim blessed and dieing

and asked if I was okay                     in the nest of her bosom

I answered with words                          sighing gently released 

like leaves falling                             wavering on her heartbeat

sleepily to the ground                       to lay amongst the others

Jonathan S Baker lives in Evansville, Indiana where the Christmas Tree is the talk of the town. They are the author of several collections of poetry including Long Nights in Stoplight City (Between Shadows Press) and Pressure (Two Key Customs), and they are the King of Editors at Pure Sleeze Press.